Membership Fees and Donations


1. Payment of membership fees
and appeal for donations

Payment of membership
Since its establishment in 1957, the Association has worked hard to help international students from all over the world, in particular Asian countries, to share deeper mutual experiences and fulfill their expectations through admission into Japanese universities. The unprecedented coronavirus crisis which has engulfed the world has been hugely disruptive for international students studying in Japan. Moreover, international students who had planned to come to Japan this spring have been forced to change their plans. Naturally enough, this has also put the Association itself in a difficult situation, since our core activity is providing assistance and support to these international students. Therefore, we will make every effort to ensure that the Association continues in its mission, sustaining the spirit of support for international students and development of human resources that we have demonstrated over the years. However, it is only with your encouragement and cooperation that the Association is able to carry on with its activities.
Your patience and understanding are sincerely appreciated given the difficult circumstances in which we find ourselves. We remain profoundly grateful for your kind support with our membership fees and donations.
Katsumi Shiraishi Director-General, Asian Students Cultural Association

2. Payment of membership fees,
donations fees

The Asia-no Tomo payment

Membership type and fees

Type Criteria Amount
Regular membership A person who endorses the Association's objectives and pays the specified amount 10,000 yen per person
Supporting membership A person who supports the Association’s activities and pays the specified amount 50,000 yen per person
Special membership A person who actively sponsors the Association’s activities and pays the specified amount 100,000 yen per person


Type Criteria Amount
Donations ・Donations are not restricted to any set amount, but for the purposes of our administration system, we request that donations are at least 1,000 yen.
・Please feel free to indicate if you would like your donation to be used for a specific purpose.
1,000 yen or more

① Online credit card payments

Credit card payment
*VISA, MasterCard, JCB, American Express, Diners Club accepted

② Bank transfer

Please make your payment to one of the bank accounts below.

Name of bank: Mizuho Bank (0001) Hongo Branch (075)
Account type: Ordinary Savings Account
Account number: 506934
Account name: The Asian Students Cultural Association KOEKIZAI ASIA GAKUSEI BUNKA KYOKAI
Address: 2-12-13 Honkomagome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
Tel: 03-3946-4121

③ Mail transfer

Payment at post office via mail transfer.
Please provide your name and address; we will send you a “Payment Notice Form”

Post Office account number 00150-0-56754

3. Tax-exempt payment options for membership fees and donations to the Association

Tax exemption The Association has government approval as a “Public Interest Incorporated Foundation.” Tax benefits apply as for a “Special Public Interest Promotion Corporation,” with tax deductions as follows.

"[When filing a tax return to the tax office, you should enclose a “Tax Exemption Certificate” (copy) as well as a receipt from the Association for your payment. Please note that this is not deductible for your year-end tax adjustment.] "

① Income tax for individuals

Income deductions for tax purposes or tax credits can be received in the manner that is most convenient for the individual.

○ Income deduction for tax purposes
[Gross income - (Income tax deductible donation (*1) - 2,000 yen)] x Tax rate = Income tax payable
(*1) Income tax deductible donation: Up to 40% of total income.
Donations to other “Special Public Interest Promotion Corporation” can be pooled together for tax purposes.

○ Tax credit
Income tax payable - [(Income tax deductible donation (*2) - 2,000 yen) * 40% = Credit (Deductible amount) (*3)]
(*2) Income tax deductible donation: Up to 40% of total income.
(*3) Tax credit (Tax deductible amount): Up to 25% of income tax amount.
Donations to other companies where income tax credits apply can be pooled together.

○ Inheritance tax
If assets acquired through bequest or inheritance are donated to the Association before the inheritance tax filing deadline, those assets are not subject to inheritance tax.

② Corporate entities

Donations to Public Interest Incorporated Foundations can be treated as separate from general donations for tax deduction purposes up to a specified limit.
In addition, local taxes are based on the level of corporation tax paid; hence, exemptions for corporation tax purposes will also lead to lower local taxes.

4. New membership applications

New member

Association membership system

Since its establishment as a privately run public corporation in 1957, the Association has been committed to supporting international students in their studies and life in Japan and to organizing education and cultural exchange activities for them. Membership fees, donations, and grants provide valuable financial resources for carrying out the activities of the Association.
Welcoming and assisting international students in Japan and arranging exchange activities for them serves a hugely beneficial purpose. We are sincerely grateful for your continued support and encouragement in enabling us to achieve these objectives.

Membership type

Type Criteria Amount
Regular membership A person who endorses the Association’s objectives and pays the specified amount 10,000 yen per person
Supporting membership A person who supports the Association’s activities and pays the specified amount 50,000 yen per person
Special membership A person who actively sponsors the Association’s activities and pays the specified amount 100,000 yen per person
Asia no Tomo subscription fee Asia no Tomo subscription Published four times a year 2,200 yen per year
• Any person who concurs with the objectives of the Association is entitled to enroll as a member.
• The membership fee is for one year from the month of joining and includes a free subscription to the monthly magazine, Asia no Tomo.
• For subscriptions to Asia no Tomo only, the annual fee is 2,200 yen.
New Membership Application Form